Gustav Mahler

Are you in a forest? Then you´re in the right place! He loved nature and birdsong: They were the inspiration for his most beautiful music!

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Look for the childhood photo of Gustav Mahler in which he’s holding a hat in his right hand. He was about five years old in this photo. At this age he could already play some piano and an other instrument. Which one?

❓ To find the answer, solve the quiz question below.

Find the photo where Gustav Mahler is 11 years old. He performed as a pianist for the first time at the age of ten. At twelve he was already giving concerts and amazing his audiences. For example, he played piano pieces by Franz Liszt, which were technically very demanding and extremely difficult to play.

Although Gustav Mahler was a very intelligent boy and very good at school, he had some problems with math. He just didn’t like it and had to make a huge effort to be able to graduate from high school. ? The math problem hanging here in the exhibition is also really quite tricky.

Can you decipher his handwriting and make anything out?