In physics, the indicator of the intensity of sound is the sound pressure level. The unit of measurement is called decibel (dB).The unit of measurement is called decibel (dB). Noises at the lower end of the scale are barely audible. Volumes of about 50 dB are perceived as pleasant. The pain threshold is reached at around 120-140 dB. 

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0 to 40 dB: Quiet 

40 to 70 dB: Pleasant/ moderate 

70 to 80 dB: Loud 

80 to 110 dB: Very loud/ unpleasant 

110 to 140 dB: Extremely loud 

120 to 140 dB: Pain threshold 

Intensity of sounds: 

140 dB: Firecrackers in the immediate vicinity 

130 dB: Aircraft take-off 

120 dB: Siren 

110 dB: Pop/ Rock Concert 

90 dB: Hairdryer 

Full restaurant 

80 dB: Truck 

70 dB: City traffic 

60 dB: Conversation/ talk 

50 dB: Light rain 

40 dB: Refrigerator 

30 dB: Whisper 

20 dB: Rustling leaves 

10 dB: Quiet breathing 

Hearing impairment and hearing loss: 

When can noise damage our hearing? 

If your hearing is regularly exposed to sounds above 85 dB for more than 40 hours a week, i.e. by frequently listening to loud music or working on a construction site without hearing protection, chronic noise-induced hearing loss can occur. Above 120 dB, hearing damage is possible even through short exposure. 

What is the reason for this? 

Hearing loss is often caused by damage to the sensory cells in the inner ear. This means that acoustic stimuli are no longer properly transmitted to the brain. Aging, noise and illness can be the cause. In addition, the transmission of sound from the outer and middle ear to the inner ear can be impaired, if, for instance, the eardrum is damaged. 

What can I do about it? 

Give your ears a break now and then. Continuous everyday noise, ambient sound and music don’t allow the fine sensory cells in the inner ear to recover. Silence and quiet moments help restore the necessary balance.